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Home Pragud diabeediga vagina
Pragud diabeediga vagina
Browse and comment on Kid Vagina s photos on Myspace, a place where people come to connect, discover, and share.
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Homepage for The Vagina3D- Explore The Vagina in vivid 3D on any platform now. This is revolutionary learning that allows you to travel through it in 3D. Visit The Vagina3D.
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Vagina in colloquial use refers to the vulva, or as a general term for all female genitalia, but in anatomy the vagina is a wholly internal structure and calling the vulva the vagina is analogous to calling the lips the throat. Hypernyms. genitals; Derived terms.
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A doctor known as the ‘vagina whisperer’ has held the first ever ‘designer vagina showcase’ in New York for women who want to make their genitals sexier.
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Using the term vagina to mean vulva can pose medical or legal confusion; for example, a person s interpretation of its location might not match another s interpretation of the location. Medically, the vagina is the canal between the hymen (or remnants of the hymen) and the cervix, while, legally, it begins at the vulva (between the labia).
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Human vagina, vaginal opening or female reproductive sex organ flat vector icon for apps and websites. martialred 2018-07-16 Fotolia. Vagina symbol. Two fingers.
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The eighth annual vagina beauty pageant is about to take place and that make us wonder: How do you win? What makes a vagina attractive? So, of course, we asked some everyday.
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