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This Standard provides essential specifications and dimensions for the gages used on Unified inch screw threads UN [unified] and UNR [external threads only] thread form, and covers the specifications and dimensions for the thread gages and measuring equipment listed in Tables 1 and 2. The basic purpose and use of each gage are also described.
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Diabetes mellitus Typ II Wie entsteht Diabetes? -Insulin ein Hormon der Körperzellen anregt, Zucker aus dem Blut aufzunehmen → sorgt dafür, dass der Blutzuckerspiegel sinkt -Hauptursachen: Übergewicht (ungesunde Ernährung) → wenig komplexe Kohlenhydrate, vermehrt Einfachzucker.
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To clarify the correlation between weight loss and the improvement of diabetes mellitus among obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Patients and methods One hundred and eighty untreated obese patients with type 2 diabetes with HOMA-R over 1.6 and HbA1c over 6.9 were enrolled to achieve weight reduction over 6 months with diet and exercise.
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