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Kas hapnikuta tainast on võimalik suhkru diabeedi toite
PRIMROSE: a computer program for generating and estimating the phylogenetic range of 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes and primers in conjunction with the RDP‐II database.
Tüdrukud, kellel on diabeet
The collection of fourteen essays in Quakers and Abolition, edited by Brycchan Carey and Geoffrey Plank, and published by University of Illinois Press, comes out of the 2010 gathering called “Quakers and Slavery, 1657-1865: An International Interdisciplinary Conference.”.
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The gulls are alright: How a lesbian seagull discovery shook up 1970s conservatives. By Zoë Schlanger July 10, 2017. The year was 1972, and George and Molly Hunt, a pair of married scientists.
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Received December 1, 2003; Revised and Accepted January 2, 2004. INTRODUCTION. RNA interference (RNAi) is the process of double‐stranded (ds) RNA‐dependent, post‐transcriptional gene silencing (1–4). dsRNA introduced into cells is digested by Dicer to yield short interfering RNA (siRNA) 21–23 nt in length (5,6). siRNA thus generated within cells or that synthesized in vitro.
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OBJECTIVE A previous study suggests an association between poor medication adherence and excess mortality in chronic disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between medication adherence and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), all-cause mortality, and hospitalization in type 2 diabetes.
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Materials and Methods. If institutional economics is richer in theory, institutional political science is richer in data. In particular, the Polity IV data set is interesting since it covers all nation-states with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants for all years starting.
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Quaker History is a peer reviewed journal consisting of illuminating articles on Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) contributions to issues such as social justice, education, and literature.
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